Friday, May 1, 2009


TAG peopleee!!!
1) 3 name in your inbox cellphone
- barin

- paridon
- ketzo

2) Your main ringtone

- all that remains - six

- upin ipin ( selamat pagi cikgu!!!~)

3) What u did at 12 last night?
- on9 my Mopetz...

4) Who was the last person you went out with? Where?

- barin, paridon, ket...g makan kat MIMI...

5) The color of the t-shirt you're wearing?
- black

6) The last thing u did?
- answered question number 5

7) 3 of your everyday favorite items
- my phone
- mosKito

- my comics

8) the color of your bedroom
- plain white t's...

9) How much money in your wallet now?

- 50 something... (malas nak check)

10) How's life?

- cmnie laa...dok keja kuar ngan member jaa... bosan mehh...

11) Your favorite song

- Faizal Tahir - Coba

12) What will you do next weekend?

- ermmm... fitness!!!

13) When was the last time you saw your mom?
- 10pm at living room...

14) Where is she now?

- in bed...

15) When was the last time you talked to your parents?
- kul 10 td ahh... minx kebenaran bermalam di umah Barin...

16) Who is the last person that texted you?

- barin

17) Where did you have dinner last night?
- MiMi Restaurant

18) The last surprise you got?

- 28th April... suprise of my final result... (alhamdulillah)

19) Last thing you borrowed from your friend?

- Ps2 from alip bee... shahe

20) Who is your BF/GF or Husband/wife?

- im single kowt... huh...

21) What do you feel now?

-. lonely...

22) Wanna share with who?
hurmm... anyone???

23) Who knows your secret?
- my close friends...

24) They keep your secret?
- yup!!!

25) Are you angry with someone?
- yes!!! a girl...

26) What do you order at McD?
- boikot dowh...

27) The last time you felt so sad?
- ntah lerr...

28) Mahu tag?
- lutpi
- shapit mus
- nas
- miyn

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